Choosing the Right Product

Compare Incontinence Products to Fit to Your Shape
Just like every other part of your hygiene routine, it's important to find the protective hygiene product that's right for your body. Here, we can help you find the right product for your type of incontinence so you stay fresh and clean all day long.
Women and Men Have Different Curves
It's no secret that men's bodies and women's bodies are built differently. That's why Prevail® has created gender specific protective hygiene products. The first step in selecting the right product for you is making sure you've chosen the product that's tailored to your anatomy.
Types of Bladder Leakage
Before choosing the right product for bladder leaks you should consider the type of incontinence you have and the amount of leakage that results. Incontinence symptoms vary from person to person, so each Prevail product is designed for a particular level of leakage, ranging from light (the occasional dribble) to heavy flows (frequent leakage). Here's an overview of the types of incontinence, the level of leakage they cause, and the best product solutions. If you need help finding the right fit, our Height/Weight charts can help.
Stress Incontinence: Light Bladder Leakage
Light bladder leakage, or Stress Incontinence, means you're experiencing just a few droplets or occasional dribbles, often during routine actions like sneezing, coughing, laughing, and exercising.
Recommended Protective Hygiene Products
Just for Women:
- Prevail® Pantiliner: Discreet protection for women with very light leakage who experience occasional droplets.
- Prevail® Bladder Control Pads: Pads that offer light bladder leak protection in a range of absorbency including light, moderate, maximum, and ultimate.
- Prevail® Bladder Control Pad Overnight: These pads provide comfortable and reliable protection for overnight or extended-use.
Just for Men:
- Prevail® Male Guards: Guards designed specifically for men, with an adhesive strip that holds them securely in place inside your underwear for maximum protection.
Urge Incontinence: Moderate and Frequent Bladder Leaks
Urge Incontinence is when you have spontaneous bladder spasms and contractions that make you feel the frequent, sudden need to urinate. Often, these urges are so strong that you can't get to the bathroom in time.
Recommended Protective Hygiene Products
Just for Women:
- Prevail® Underwear for Women: Maximum absorbency underwear just for women with a discreet and fast-absorbing core. The lavender color makes it as pretty as it is functional.
- Prevail® Underwear for Women Overnight: This overnight underwear delivers the highest level of absorbency wrapped in cotton-enhanced comfort.
Just for Men:
- Prevail® Underwear for Men: This protective underwear is designed specifically for men to deliver maximum protection that feels like standard underwear.
- Prevail® Underwear for Men Overnight: Protective underwear that offers overnight and extended-use absorbency and cotton-enhanced material.
For Men and Women:
- Prevail® Maximum Underwear: Protective underwear developed with our advanced core technology to give you maximum absorbency and odor control that also is available in size 2X-Large.
Mixed Incontinence: Moderate and Frequent Bladder Leakage
If you're having bladder leaks due to routine actions like sneezing or laughing as well as frequent, strong urges that don't allow you enough time to get to the bathroom, you're probably
experiencing Mixed Incontinence.
Recommended Protective Hygiene Products
Just for Women:
- Prevail® Underwear for Women: Maximum absorbency underwear just for women with a discreet and fast-absorbing core. The lavender color makes it as pretty as it is functional.
- Prevail® Underwear for Women Overnight: This overnight underwear delivers the highest level of absorbency wrapped in cotton-enhanced comfort.
Just for Men:
- Prevail® Underwear for Men: This protective underwear is designed specifically for men to deliver maximum protection that feels like standard underwear.
- Prevail® Underwear for Men Overnight: Protective underwear that offers overnight and extended-use absorbency and cotton-enhanced material.
For Men and Women:
- Prevail® Maximum Underwear: Protective underwear developed with our advanced core technology to give you maximum absorbency and odor control that also is available in size 2X-Large.
Reflex Incontinence: Heavy Bladder Leakage
If it's hard to tell when you need to use the bathroom, resulting in a frequent loss of bladder control with little to no warning, you may have Reflex Incontinence. This is important to recognize as it can be a symptom of bodily trauma or greater illness.
Recommended Protective Hygiene Products
For Men and Women:
- Prevail® Specialty Sizes: These briefs are designed to fit the smallest to the largest wearers and come in a range of absorbencies, from maximum to ultimate.
- Prevail Air™ Stretchable Brief: These briefs are designed with maximum plus absorbency and Microclimate Care™ to help maintain normal skin temperature and moisture at the skin's surface.
Overflow Incontinence: Heavy Bladder Leakage
If your bladder always feels full, or you have a constant dribble of urine and an increased frequency and urgency to go to the bathroom, you might have Overflow Incontinence. This occurs when the urine passageway is blocked.
Recommended Protective Hygiene Products
For Men and Women:
- Prevail® Specialty Sizes: These briefs are designed to fit the smallest to the largest wearers and come in a range of absorbencies, from maximum to ultimate.
- Prevail Air™ Stretchable Brief: These briefs are designed with maximum plus absorbency and Microclimate Care™ to help maintain normal skin temperature and moisture at the skin's surface.
Functional Incontinence: Heavy Bladder Leakage
Functional Incontinence occurs when your urinary system functions properly, but immobility or cognitive impairment prevents you from getting to the bathroom in time.
Recommended Protective Hygiene Products
For Men and Women:
- Prevail® Specialty Sizes: These briefs are designed to fit the smallest to the largest wearers and come in a range of absorbencies, from maximum to ultimate.
- Prevail Air™ Stretchable Brief: These briefs are designed with maximum plus absorbency and Microclimate Care™ to help maintain normal skin temperature and moisture at the skin's surface.
Bowel Incontinence: Heavy Leakage
If you're unable to control your bowel movements, you are experiencing Bowel – or Fecal – Incontinence. This leakage can affect people of all ages, though it's more common in the elderly population. And no matter how light it seems to be, bowel incontinence is considered heavy leakage, because it involves more than urine.
Recommended Protective Hygiene Products
For Men and Women:
- Prevail® Specialty Sizes: These briefs are designed to fit the smallest to the largest wearers and come in a range of absorbencies, from maximum to ultimate.
- Prevail Air™ Stretchable Brief: These briefs are designed with maximum plus absorbency and Microclimate Care™ to help maintain normal skin temperature and moisture at the skin's surface.
Why Prevail®?
For more than 25 years we’ve worked closely with healthcare professionals to make the best products available. Prevail is a leading protective hygiene brand in healthcare. Every Prevail product is designed to excel in four categories: comfort, absorbency, skin health, and discretion. If it didn't deliver superior performance in every category, we wouldn't put our name on the package.
Still have questions?
Our team of Prevail® eNurse™ support team is available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you have about leakage or product selection. Start an online chat or give a nurse a call at 866-573-3776 for around the clock care.

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