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What do I do if I leak through the product?

If you're concerned about the performance of your pad or protective underwear, we're here to help.

Why do I leak when I...?

We've all been there. One minute you're in a fit of laughter and the next, you feel a dribble of urine escape.

Do the products come perfumed?

No, Prevail® pads, underwear, brief and underpad products are not perfumed and do not contain deodorizers.

How do I remove the smell of urine?

To remove the smell of urine from clothing, run the clothes in the washing machine using cold water, 1 cup of white vinegar, and no detergent.

Why can't I have a good night's sleep?

When leaks get in the way of a good night's sleep, your quality of life suffers.

Do Kegel balls really help?

Kegel balls may help women improve bladder control. They may help prevent bladder and bowel leakage by exercising the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder.

Can I still have sex?

[VIDEO] Over 25 million Americans experience leakage – it’s common! Luckily with protective hygiene products you can feel secure and protected from leaks throughout the day.

My parent is being antisocial because of their incontinence.

It's natural for your loved one to feel self-conscious about their incontinence in social situations. But if their fears are preventing them from living a full, connected life, help may be required.

How do you not embarrass your loved one when talking about this difficult topic?

Talking about incontinence with a loved one can be uncomfortable at first for everyone. To help them feel more comfortable, let them know they're not alone.

Are there any online communities or forums for caregivers?

There are a wealth of helpful online caregiver forums and communities.